How Many Cups of Water a Day to Drink to Lose Weight Fast?

Both of these are frequently asked questions when it come to weight loss. Fist of all if you are looking for how to lose weight fast at home remedies, then you will find several FREE and NATURAL Proven Weight loss tips here.

Let's talk about Water. It is absolutely essential that you drink enough water to support the liver's ability to burn fat. And when you are lacking in the H2O department, your kidneys will actually force your liver to pick up the slack. And that takes away from your liver's ability to metabolize stored fat.

\"How To Lose Weight Fast At Home\"

There are two basic schools of thought when wondering how many cups of water a day to drink to lose weight fast. The first is the generic 8 glasses of 8 ounce servings. I would say that this is an absolute minimum; but right on the money for a person that weighs about 125 pounds. The other school of though is this: you need to drink half of your weight in ounces of water every day. So Simply put, a person weighing 150 pounds would need to drink 75 ounces of water a day. This is about 9 servings at 8 ounces each. Or 9 glasses of water.

How Many Cups of Water a Day to Drink to Lose Weight Fast?

If you can get anywhere from 8 to 10 eight ounce cups of water a day you are probably doing great, but do give you weight some consideration. Drinking water is very important if you want to lose weight fast, but more importantly it will actually HELP you get rid of excess water weight! What? How can that be?

Well, quite the contrary-- the reason that your body is retaining water is because it is trying to tell you something! Your body is in crisis mode and is hoarding every ounce it can because you are not giving it enough! Bottom line-- to stop retaining water you must start drinking more per day.

I know, when you and your toilet become best buddies during frequent visits, most people call it quits. This is but a brief period when your body is regaining trust in your ability to give it the water it needs.
Great news! The more frequent your visits to the bathroom become, the MORE water you are getting rid of around your belly, ankles and hips. Your body is realizing that it doesn't need to hold onto that water anymore. Finally, you are giving yourself just what you need. So please don't stop now. You are on the verge of your breakthrough point. Eventually, you're body will settle down and frequent toilet breaks will become less often and more manageable. Even better, You will see weight loss results like never before if you stick to a good water regime.

You will also notice something else, less cravings! Sometimes dehydration can cause you to crave more food. Not only will you be full because of your water intake, you body will stop sending those false alarms to your brain! If you can add a lemon to your water you are doing your digestive system a huge favor. The proper amount of lemon juice a day will aid in the digestive process and symptoms like heartburn, burping and bloating will start to disappear.

Lemons are high in two essentials that your body needs--Vitamin C and Potassium. The vitamin C will boost your immune system and help clean out your blood. The Potassium in lemons will also help people with heart conditions.

Recent studies have indicated that Cancer thrives in an acidic environment. Believe it or not even though lemons are an acidic fruit, they are a great ph/alkaline equalizer. Lemons will actually help your body become LESS acidic.

How much lemon juice should you have? Well if you weigh under 150 pounds you should have an ounce a day or the equivalent of one lemon. Weigh more than 150 pounds? Just double it and have 2 ounces of lemon juice a day. Try to make it from Organic lemons if you can. Just sip your lemon water throughout the day with your spring water and you will reap the rewards of Fast Weight Loss and Healthy Liver, Kidney, Digestive and Heart Health!

How Many Cups of Water a Day to Drink to Lose Weight Fast?

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How To Lose Weight Fast And Easy

If you need to lose weight fast and easy than this will be hands down, without a doubt, the single most important article you've ever read.

The reason is simple, I'm going to give you one simple tip that virtually always works for those who make a commitment to applying it.

\"How To Lose Weight Fast At Home\"

How fast will you see results?

How To Lose Weight Fast And Easy

I know for a fact that many of my readers have lost several pounds in just a few days using this... not to mention exponentially improved their health.

Things like...

- Cleared up rashes

- Unplugged sinuses

- Amazing boosts in energy

- Mental clarity

... are all additional benefits that many people experience.

So for those of you still believing that weight loss has to be slow and hard, you need to think again. It can actually be very easy and can happen like a breeze.

Have you ever seen all those commercials promoting "whole grains"?

Everything from cereals to pasta tries to stake a claim to the "whole grain" label. You see it advertised on so many packages these days. The problem is that we've become brainwashed into believing that "whole grain" equals healthy.

But did you know...

- Certain whole grains can produce massive fat and are horrible if you need to lose weight fast and easy.

- Many of you are very likely allergic to some of them.

- They can cause elevated blood sugar spikes that leave you tired and dragging through your day.

Look. Over the years I have developed a very strong personal opinion about the consumption of "whole grain" (especially wheat) and it is as follows... if you are trying to lose weight fast and easy, then strictly limit your intake... period!

Allow me to pick on wheat in particular for a second.

Most of you will stroll through the supermarket aisles looking for bread. You see the label that contains the giant words "whole wheat" stamped across the top.

It calls to you... "healthy".

The shocking thing is that many of you are probably allergic to the gluten in that wheat bread... and yet you keep right on consuming it because you've been led to believe it's "healthy".

Would it surprise you to know wheat has been associated with a large number of diseases, let alone excessive weight gain? For those of you who doubt this I challenge you to visit your local bookstore and do some research.

So this leads to my tip. And remember, this is simply my own personal opinion based off of years of experience helping people lose weight... lose the wheat and many of the other whole grains.

Don't get me wrong, whole grain is important in your diet - but you need to be getting the correct types. Brown rice and Oatmeal are two very excellent ones.

The bulk of my diet consists of vegetables, fruits and lean meats... my health is through the roof and I have zero problem with excess fat. Like I said, I also consume brown rice and oatmeal as my staple grains.

So there the tip.

Once again, this is not just some random little tidbit of info. Doing this really does work. In fact, you may be extremely surprised by just how effective it really is.

How To Lose Weight Fast And Easy

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